Thursday, November 21, 2013

Chapter 18 section 2&3

1)   Why were the Frankish kings after Clovis weak?
The Frankish kings were weak because they spent most of there time dividing their land among their sons. The sons spent most of their time fighting over land so they were losing their power.

2)   Who was Charles Martel?  What did he do?  Why was he known as “The Hammer”?
Charles Martel was the most powerful mayor. He tried to reunite all the Frankish nobles under his rule. He was known as "The Hammer" because in war he would fight with a hammer.

3)   Why was the Battle of Tours a turning point in history?
The battle of Tours was a turning point in history because it let Christianity survive in Europe.

4)   What might western Europe have been like if the Arabs and Berbers had won the Battle of Tours?
They would have spread their religion and christianity would have died because everyone would be muslim.

5)   Who was Pepin?  How did he help the Pope?
Pepin was Charles Martel son, and he was mayor of the Palace. He helped the Pope by leading an army into Italy, and defeated the Lombards, and gave the land they held in central Italy to the Pope.

6)   Define anointed. 
Anointed- to be blessed by holy oil

World History Chapter 17 Section 3

1)   When did Pepin die?  Who were his sons?
Pepin died in 768. His sons were Carloman and Charles.

2)   Who was Charlemagne?  What did he do?  List the people he defeated in battle.  What does his name mean?
Charlemagne was a powerful leader. He wanted to bring all of western Europe under his rule. He also wanted all the Germanic people to become Christian. To achieve these he waged a series of wars. He defeated the Lombards, Saxons, and attempted to defeat the Muslims in Spain. His name means "Charles the Great."

3)   What was The Song of Roland about?
The Song of Roland was about the legend about Charlemagne's battles of the basques.

4)   Why was Charlemagne displeased that the Pope crowned him emperor?
Charlemagne was displeased because it made it seem the emperor's right to rule came from the Pope rather than directly from God.

5)   What was Charlemagne’s view of education?  What did he do to promote education in his empire?
Charlemagnes wanted people to be educated. He encouraged churches and monasteries to found schools.

6)   Who was Alcuin?  What did children study in the school set up by Alcuin?
Alcuin was a scholar. The children studied religion, Latin, music, literature, and arithmetic.

7)   What were some things that artists created under Charlemagne’s rule? 
They built palaces and churches around a large courtyard as the Romans did. Artists covered palace walls with pictures showing stories from the bible. They made book covers and ornamental weapons. They also decorated manuscripts copied by scholars.

8)   Describe estate life.
Lords and nobles were the most powerful people in Charlemagne's empire. They were descendants of Frankish Warriors and Roman landowners and their wealth came from grown or made from their estates. There were shoemakers, carpenters, and blacksmiths on each estate. There were also artisans who made weapons, cooking vessels, and jewelry. Lords lived in stone farmhouse, wooden stockades, or fences were built around the houses. Each farm house had a banquet hall, sleeping quarters, cellars, stables, storage places, and a small chapel. Farmers lived in small wooden houses in small villages on the estates. They worked in fields, vineyards, orchards, and forests around their village.

9)   How did farmers gradually become serfs?
The more farms did for the nobles the less they did for themselves.

10)  How did minstrels increase Charlemagne’s popularity?
He travled around singing and praising about how great he was.

11)  What did the Empire collapse after Charlemagne’s death?
They cared more about their own estates than about the good of the empire. They also refused to obey Louis the Pious Charlemagne's son.

12)  What might have prevented the collapse of Charlemagne’s government?
If the land hadn't split up and there was only one ruler it might have prevented the collapse.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Chapter 18 Section 1

1)   Why were people no longer interested in learning during the early middle ages?
People were no longer interested in learning because arts were damaged and thieves roamed the countryside and businesses slowed. 

2)   Why are the Franks important?
The Franks were important because they built a new civilization that is now France and Germany. Also, they were strong governors.

3)   Who was Clovis?  How did Clovis become Christian? 
Clovis was cruel and greedy, a good general, and an able king. He brought all the Franks under one rule. Clovis was the first Germanic king to accept the Catholic religion. Clovis became christian by he was not happy with the Frankish gods they never helped him win battles even though he prayed to them faithfully. So, he decided that if he defeated the enemy he would become Christian. 
4)   What happened after Clovis became Christian?
When Clovis became Christian the Franks followed his example and he gained the support of the Romans in his Kingdom. The Franks then began to speaking a Latin language that later became the modern French language. After, they all were practicing the same religion, speaking the same language, and they all felt reunited. 

5)   Why was it important that the Pope gave Clovis his support?

6)   Why were the Franks more successful at governing than other Germanic peoples?
The Franks were more successful at governing than other Germanic people because  they lived in an area were they lived was close to their homeland, and they felt more fairly secure.

7)   What modern nations developed out of the civilization built by the Franks?
The modern nations developed out of the civilization built by the Franks was France and Germany. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

If I were a chieftain

           If I were a chieftain, I would keep peace among all my warriors. My warriors will be strong; if they need food or shelter I will give it to them. I will give my men leadership, weapons, and a chance for wealth and adventure. In battle I will fight for victory. I will be brave and make sure my men are brave warriors themselves. Those of my men who die, will leave their shields on the battlefield. We will work as a team and win the battle or die fighting.

The Conquerors

1) Who were the Goths?
The Goths were Germanic people who lived in the Balkan Peninsula of Europe, they were divided into two groups called Ostrogoths and Visigoths.

2) Discuss the Battle of Adrianople?  Why was it important?  When did it happen?
It happened in 378 and it was important because it marked the beginning of the end of the Roman empire.

3) Where did the Goths end up?
The Goths ended up in North Africa.

4) Who were the Vandals?
The Vandals were a German pirates group from Balkan Peninsula of Europe.

5) What English world did the Vandals inspire?  Why?

6) Who was Adducer?
A German general who ruled the western empire for 15 years. He was killed by the East Goths when they invaded Italy.

7) Who was Theodoric?
Theodoric was the leader of Eastern Goths.

8) What happened to the Roman Empire in the West by 550 C.E.?
It faded away and in its place were six major and a great many minor Germanic kingdoms.

pg. 273 #1-8

1) The Germans began to move south toward the Roman Empire for protection.
2) The Germans could cross the boards of the roman empire so they could be safe but they had to give up their weapons.
3) They showed their loyalty to their chieftain by carrying a shield every where they went. Also, by giving them credit for the jobs soldiers did.
4) They believe that they would go to Valhalla and have a feast forever.
5) According to German beliefs the law came from the emperor.
6) The reason for the German ordeal by water
7) The west Goths wanted to enter Rome for safety and protection because the Huns were after them.
8) In 476 A.D Odoacer ruled for fifteen years until he was killed by the eastern Goths.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Germans

1) Describe the village life of the early Germans.
The villages were surround by farmlands and pastures. Houses in the villages were long thatched roof huts with an open space around them. The family lived in one end of the hut and the other end was for the animals. The animals body heat helped warm the hut during the cold winters. Wooden tables and benches along the wall were the only furniture. They made their living herding cattle, and it provided their food and clothing. 
2) What did the Germans grow?
They grew barley, rye, wheat, beans, and peas.
3) What were the Germans view of hospitality?
Their view on hospitality was so strong that it was against the law to turn people away. Invited guest and strangers were welcomed, fed, and entertained. 
4) How were the German tribes organized?
The German tribes were organized by clans that were based on family ties. THe gave their greatest loyalty to the clan. Later they developed a strong feeling towards a military leader called a chieftain. In the beginning a chieftain was elected by a band of warriors but later it became hereditary.  
5) Who was Theodoric the Great?
Theodoric the great was a king of the East Goths. They were the Germanic people from eastern Europe.
6) Who was Woden?  Thor?
Woden was a chief god, he was the god of war, poetry, learning, and magic.Thor was the son of Woden and he was the god of thunder. Germans believed that the sound of thunder came from Thor's chariot wheels.
7) What was Valhalla?
The Germans believed that goddesses carried the spirits of dead warriors that died in battle. IN the hall of Wodan, called Valhalla the warriors would feast and fight forever. 
8) Discuss blood fueds, oath-helpers and wergeld.

Blood feud- quarrels in which the families of the original fighters seek revenge. Resolved by judges
oath-helper- people who swore that the accused was telling the truth
wergeld-fines issued by a court.

9) How did the Germans' love of battle and laws influence their society?
It managed to keep the peace despite how cruel and unfair the laws were.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Review Questions

1) The Etruscans - why were they important?  What did they give to the Romans?  Who were important Etruscans? 
 The Etruscans were important because they gave the romans the alphabet. Also, they dug tunnels to drain the fields. Lucius Tarquinius was the first ruler of Rome. 

2) The Roman Republic - what is important about the Roman Republic?  Who were important figures in the Republic and what did they do?  What were the Punic Wars all about?  Who was Hannibal?  How did the Republic end?
The Roman Republic was important because there were two different classes the Patricians and the Plebians. Also, they chose consuls members who were chosen each year, 300 men called Senators who were chosen for life. The important figures in the Republic were the consuls and they ruled the Republic. The punic wars were a series of three wars fought over a clashing between the Romans and the Carthaginians. Hannibal was a military leader whose army won several battles before heading to the gates of Rome. The Republic ended because the Romans started to demand taxes and the gap between rich and poor grew and everyone hated each other. 

3) What is important about Julius Caesar?  Why should we remember him?
Julius Caesar was important because he brought about many reforms. He should be remembered because he expanded  the Roman Empire. He made a calendar based on the Egyptian one that we still use today.

4) What is important about Augustus Caesar?  Why should we remember him?
Augustus was important because he brought the Pax Romana to Rome. We should remember him because he brought peace. 

5) What was the Pax Romana?  How did it come to an end? 
The Pax Romana was when peace was brought by Rome. It came to end when Alexander the great took over. 

6) How did the Roman Empire come to an end?
The Roman Empire came to an end because