Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Review Questions

1) The Etruscans - why were they important?  What did they give to the Romans?  Who were important Etruscans? 
 The Etruscans were important because they gave the romans the alphabet. Also, they dug tunnels to drain the fields. Lucius Tarquinius was the first ruler of Rome. 

2) The Roman Republic - what is important about the Roman Republic?  Who were important figures in the Republic and what did they do?  What were the Punic Wars all about?  Who was Hannibal?  How did the Republic end?
The Roman Republic was important because there were two different classes the Patricians and the Plebians. Also, they chose consuls members who were chosen each year, 300 men called Senators who were chosen for life. The important figures in the Republic were the consuls and they ruled the Republic. The punic wars were a series of three wars fought over a clashing between the Romans and the Carthaginians. Hannibal was a military leader whose army won several battles before heading to the gates of Rome. The Republic ended because the Romans started to demand taxes and the gap between rich and poor grew and everyone hated each other. 

3) What is important about Julius Caesar?  Why should we remember him?
Julius Caesar was important because he brought about many reforms. He should be remembered because he expanded  the Roman Empire. He made a calendar based on the Egyptian one that we still use today.

4) What is important about Augustus Caesar?  Why should we remember him?
Augustus was important because he brought the Pax Romana to Rome. We should remember him because he brought peace. 

5) What was the Pax Romana?  How did it come to an end? 
The Pax Romana was when peace was brought by Rome. It came to end when Alexander the great took over. 

6) How did the Roman Empire come to an end?
The Roman Empire came to an end because  

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