Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The founding or Rome

        The founding of Rome all started after the fall of troy, were the gods ordered a Trojan Prince named Aeneas, to lead his people to the promise land. They then joined forces with the Latins. A latin princess then gave birth to twins fathered by Mars. The princess had to be punished though because she had promised to never have children. The sons Romulus and Remus were then left on a bank of the Tiber River to die. A she wolf then found them and took care of them, until one day a shepherd killed they she wolf and discovered Romulus and Remus. The shepherd then took him to his house and as they got older they decided build a city on the Tiber River. They let the gods chose who should be the ruler of the city. The boys then went to the tops of two different hills and waited for a sign from the gods. Then 12 vultures flew over the Palatine. Romulus was at the top of the Palatine so he thought he should be king. Romulus and Remus fought and Remus was killed. Romulus then became king and named the city Rome.

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