Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Understanding Ideas 1-8

How did Augustus make life safer for people living in Rome? 
 Augustus made life safer in Rome by clearing the Mediterranean Sea of pirates. He wrote strict laws to govern the way people behaved in public.  He set up a fire brigade and a police force.

How did increased trade during the Pax Romana affect the Romans?

With increased trade the people became rich and had more business.

Why did the Romans change the laws set down in the Twelve Tables?
The Romans changed the laws set down in the Twelve Tables because so many things were changing in Rome, and the times were different.

Why was it important to make Roman law standardized across the empire?
It was important to make Roman law standardized so that procedures were the same in all parts of the empire and Rome could govern the large area successfully.

What happened to some animal species as a result of the public games?

5,000 animal species were killed in one single day, so soon the Mesopotamian lion and North African elephant species were wiped out.

How did the Praetorian Guard contribute to the empire's decline?

The Praetorian Gaur contributed to the empire's decline by killing the emperor and selling the position to the highest bidder.

Why did Diocletian divide the Roman Empire in two?

The Empire spilt in two because he thought it was to large for one person to govern by themselves.

What were the main reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire?

The main reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire was political, economic, and foreign enemies. There was no thing that said who would rule after the emperor's death. Also, to keep soldiers happy emperors paid them a high wage, which resulted in higher taxes. While they were fighting over taxes the land was open for attack.

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