Monday, January 27, 2014

Chapter 27

England and France became strong nations by raising taxes. The kings power became stronger under Philip the second, he made Paris the center of government, Philip also increased the size of his kingdom by marriage and by winning back the French lands held by the English. Then when Philips grandson came along he made it illegal to use coins that made anywhere else but the royal mint.

1)   It marked the begging national government in France.
2)   Magna Carta took away some of the kings power and gave it to the nobles.
3)   The position of common people in England and France improved as a result in the 100 year war because there was a higher demand for work and less workers.
4)   Otto set up a Christian Roman Empire by removing nobles and made his loyal followers bishops and abbots and gave them government posts.
5)   The moors brought learning and luxury to Spain.
6)   The purpose of Spanish Inquisition was to stop new Christians secretly practicing their old religion

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Chapter 26: 1-7 main ideas

1) Venices land wasn't very fertile so merchants set up shops and started setting up shops and selling their goods right along the water. It then began to be the place were everyone stopped.

2) The italian trading centers declined because the merchants got tired of moving around all the time so the decided to settle in one place. 

3) They affected the development of banking because people paid with coins so they had to weigh them to see how much they cost. 

4) The Black Death killed millions of people across Europe and all their crops were wrecked. 

5) A person became a master in guild by being a trainee for two to seven years. After they would be journeyman, then after a certain amount of time the took a test. If they passed the test they could become a journey man.

6) The nobles and church officials were against the rise of towns because guilds  would then became wealthy and more powerful than they needed to be. This power of the church officials and nobles then weakened. 

7) People had more time to find their talents and hobbies. They were then able to educate children. They wanted a strong central governement and started searching for a king.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Rise of Guilds

           Merchants and artisans formed guilds to make sure that their were treated equally.  It was not easy to become a member of a guild. The person had to be an apprentice or trainee for two to seven years. Then they became a journeyman and after they took a test to become a master. Soon it led to the decline of feudalism because people believed that they should be free to develop their own talents and to improve their way of life. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Late Middle Ages: Chapter 26 sec.1-3

1) What led to the growth and development of Venice's trade?
The land was not very fertile so the people depended on the sea and trade. 
2) How did the location of Flanders help it become an important trading center?

There were two rivers that emptied into the North Sea. Where the two rivers meet the flemish built a harbor. They could then ship there valuable woolen cloth to other places. It then became an important stopping place for ships traveling along the Atlantic coast.
3) What were Fairs?
Special gatherings were merchants could could buy and sell goods, or settle debts.
4) Who sponsored fairs and why?
Nobles, so they could collect taxes on sales.
5) How did most towns develop in the Middle Ages?
Merchants grew tired of moving around so they looked for places were they could settle permanently and store their goods. They chose places along trade routes and near water ways because it helped protected them from robbers. They surrounded their settlements with high stake fences and moats. Most of the developed from merchant settlements.
6) What was the Black Death?  How many people died from it?
The Black Death was a disease that came from rats in the 1300 hundreds. It killed millions through out Europe.
7) What changes did burghers want to make in feudal laws?
They created schools, churches, and hospitals. They had charters who let people elect their own officials, the council collected taxes, set charges to merchants, and formed  armies. They also ran hospitals, orphanages, and homes for the poor.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

pg. 369 # 1-8

1) They helped govern western europe

2) Monasteries became more and more rich so they stared to not care

3) They started to win the respect of people because the teachers were untrained so students and teachers decided to make unions started to make unions.

4)  The Pope hoped that the Eastern Orthodox Church would unite with the Roman Catholic Church and would accept him as its religious leader.

5) The climate was much too hot for the crusaders, and their metal armor was too heavy and made them even more overheated. 

6) Stephen Cloyes tried sailing to Palestine. Then they were  sold into slavery by the ship captains. Another group, on foot from Germany, tried but most were killed by diseases and starvation. 

7) The Byzantines were so angry with the actions of the Europeans that they split up the eastern and western Christians. 

8) The want of wealth, power, and land  grew so much between the kings that religious ideals were clouded. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Late middle ages: Section 3 &4

1) What was a code of chivalry?  Who did it apply to?  List the rules of chivalry.
The code of chivalry was the code of rules that knights had to follow to earn their knighthood. 
1) Obey his lord
2) Show bravery
3) Respect women of noble birth 
4) Honor the Church
5) Help people 

2) How did Knights train for war?
A knight began training for war at the age of seven. Knights trained for war by going to the castle of another lord at the age of 7. Until age 15, they were pages and helped the knights and their war horses. They also polished the armor, which could weigh up to 80 pounds. By age 14 they could a lance and fight while on horseback. At age 15 they became a squire and was assigned to a knight who would watch them. They followed the knight into battle and were expected to help them if they were wounded or fell off their horse. If they fought well, they were dubbed a knight by the lord at a special ceremony.

3) Explain the organization of feudal Manors. 
Feudal Manors were owned by nobles. The men and women of each manor produced food, clothing, and shelter for themselves and the noble. They raised sheep for wool, cows for meat and milk, grew grain and vegetables, built homes, and fashioned tools.

4) What was the difference between Freeman and Serfs?
         A freeman had to pay their had to pay their noble for the right to farm land. They worked only on their own strips of land and had rights under the law. Freemen could move wherever and whenever they wanted. The noble, however, could throw them off the manor without warning.  
         A serf, were the noble's property. They could not move to another area, own their own property, or marry without the nobles permission. Serfs though could not be driven off the land and did not have to serve in the army. 

5) What was a serf's life like?  Discuss the "bright" moments.
The bright moments in a serf's life was sunday when they got a day of rest from work. At christmas when the lord paid for a great feast and entertainment and when serfs could they would play in sports like wrestling, soccer, and archery. 

6) Why did people on a manor produce everything they needed?
On a manor they produced everything they needed because of poor transportation and frequent fighting isolated manors from one another.

7) How could serfs obtain their freedom?
Serfs obtained their freedom by escaping to the towns, if the serf was not caught and remained in the town for more than a year they were considered free. In the end of the Middle Ages a serf could buy their freedom. 

8) What changes had taken place in farming by the 1200s?
The peasants began to lear better farming methods. They used a three-field system of farming, started to use heavy iron plows, and the horse collar was invented allowing horses instead of slow-moving oxen to plow fields. This helped the peasants to grow more food. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Pg. 369 #2-4

2) Charles Martel, a Frankish leader, began giving his soldiers fiefs, or estates, as a reward for their service and loyalty.

3) The nobles became more powerful because the kings who followed Charlemagne were so weak that slowly the nobles became more powerful. They then became independent rulers, they gained the right to collect taxes and to enforce laws in their areas.

4) A vassal was a noble who served a lord of higher rank and gave him loyalty. They would help their lord in battle and they had to bring their own knights with them. They were expected to take part in the military service 40 to 60 years. They had to make payments to their lords. If their lord was captured in battle they either became prisoners or paid his ransom. They also had to attend the lord's court, they were expected to provide food and entertainment when the lord visited them. If a vassal failed in his duties to his lord, the lord had the right to take away the vassals fief.