Thursday, January 23, 2014

Chapter 26: 1-7 main ideas

1) Venices land wasn't very fertile so merchants set up shops and started setting up shops and selling their goods right along the water. It then began to be the place were everyone stopped.

2) The italian trading centers declined because the merchants got tired of moving around all the time so the decided to settle in one place. 

3) They affected the development of banking because people paid with coins so they had to weigh them to see how much they cost. 

4) The Black Death killed millions of people across Europe and all their crops were wrecked. 

5) A person became a master in guild by being a trainee for two to seven years. After they would be journeyman, then after a certain amount of time the took a test. If they passed the test they could become a journey man.

6) The nobles and church officials were against the rise of towns because guilds  would then became wealthy and more powerful than they needed to be. This power of the church officials and nobles then weakened. 

7) People had more time to find their talents and hobbies. They were then able to educate children. They wanted a strong central governement and started searching for a king.

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