Friday, September 20, 2013

The Hebrews

1)   Where did the Hebrews come from?  (What area or city)
The Hebrews came from the ancient Middle East.

2)   Who were the Hebrews descendant from? (What person)
The Hebrews are descendants from Abraham.

3)   What are the Ten Commandments (List them).
1) You should only believe in Yahweh.
2) The people should not worship any other god.
3) The people could not use his name in vain.
4) Keep the sabbath day holy.
5) Honor the mother and father.
6) Do not murder any one.
7) Do not commit adultery.
8) Do not steal.
9) Do not bear false witness.
10) You shouldn't yearn to have something.

4)   Who was Moses?
Moses was the guy who parted the sea so the Hebrews could cross the Red Sea. Moses lead the Hebrew through their journey, he told them not give up. He lead them all the way to Mount Sinia.

5)   What is the name of the Hebrew God?
The Hebrew God is Yahweh.

6)   What is the idea of social justice?
The Hebrews believed in social justice were everyone had the right to be treated fairly.

7)   What was the promised land?
The promised land was Canaan, there the Hebrews became framers and shepherds.

8)   Who were the great kings of the Hebrews?  What were some things they did?
Saul was the first the king, he ruled for several years. During the end of his reign he lost peoples support. When Saul died in battle David became the new king. David got the Hebrews back together and defeated the Canaanites. David then established Jerusalem, the capital of Hebrew kingdom. He also wrote a lot of sacred songs found in the bible. After David died his son Solomon became king. Solomon brought peace to the Hebrew cities. He built a temple in Jerusalem made out of limestone, cedar wood, and gold. His wisdom and wealth became known all through the Middle East.

9)   Discuss the lifestyle of the Hebrews.
The Hebrews were the first ones to believe in god and they thought everyone should. Their laws were made to teach people how to treat one another fairly.

10)  Compare the Phoenicians to the Hebrews in areas of religion, jobs, places where they lived, organization.
The Phoenicians believed in many gods that were close to nature. They built ships to go travel and trade with other people. They were the only ones willing to go places. They brought the alphabet into our lives. Phoenicians lived in the northern part of Canaan and they also set up ports in Carthage. The buildings in Canaan were close together and the streets were narrow.  Walls covered the streets and on the outside of the walls there was a port where ships docked to unload goods. The Hebrews were very laid back and only believed in one god.  They lived in ancient Middle East. They then settled in Canaan where they built walled cities on hills. There was little water so during the two months of rain season farmers stored water in underground caves. Hebrews lived in one room houses that were divided in two. Hebrews also used laws to influence the way people behaved.

1 comment:

  1. Good answer for question 10. Be more specific for question 1: what part of the middle east did the Hebrews come from?
