Monday, September 23, 2013

The Persians

1) Who are the modern Persians?  Find a map and copy it to your blog.
The modern day Persians were the Iranians.

2) What did Cyrus do to make the Persian Empire grow?
Cyrus organized an army to conquer new territory, hundreds and thousands joined the army.

3) How did the Persians differ from the Assyrians?
The Persians lived on high plains between the Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. They divided most of their country into large farms owned by nobles. Nobles spent their days riding horses and practicing archery. Their farms were worked by laborers. Farmers depended on the streams that came down from the mountains. They dug underground tunnels from the springs to the fields. The Persian empire was made up of immortals the best fighters When ever one died a soldier would take there place. Persians were governed buy a king who never stood alone. The kings officials settled local quarrels and protected the people from bandits. The Assyrians lived in the upper part of the Tigris River valley. Their rolling hills and rain watered valleys didn't protect them from invaders. Farmers and shepherds had to learn to fight to survive. They built a powerful army that was strong enough to take over cities, trading routes, and fortresses throughout Mesopotamia. They were governed only by a king who spent most of their time fighting battles and punishing enemies.

4) Who was Darius?  What are some things he is remembered for?
Darius was one of the strongest Persian kings. He should be remembered for his military victories. Also he should be remembered for bringing artisans form all over to build a grand palace-fortress- treasury in the capital city in of Persepolis.

5) Where do coins come from?
Coins were invented by the Lydians and the Persians spread their use.

6) Discuss Zoroaster and Zoroasterism (what did they believe?)
Zoroaster was a religious leader and he told the Persians about believing in two gods. The god of wisdom and the god of evil.

7) What was the Persian view of trade?
The Persians believed that they should be warriors, farmers, or shepherds. They refused to become traders because they thought it forced you to lie, cheat, and be greedy. They did encourage trade to the people they conquer.

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