Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Chapter 19

1) The Anglo-Saxons were made up of what three groups?
The Anglo-Saxons were made up of three groups called the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes.

2) How did Christianity come to the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England?
Christianity came to the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England by Saint Patrick who studied to become a priest and later became a bishop. When he returned to Ireland he converted the people to Christianity. Later monasteries and missionaries went and spread Christianity through the rest of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms.

3) What did Alfred do to unite Anglo-Saxon England?
He made a treaty with the Danes.

4) Why did Alfred the Great pay the Danes to leave England alone?
He payed the Danes to leave England alone to give his own army time to prepare for war.

5) Why did the king set up local governments in England?
The king set up local governments in England, because the government was too weak to govern the whole country.

6) What were the duties of the nobles?
The duties of nobles were to attend the witenagemot, keep peace in local areas, and serve the king in war. Nobles became a nobel at birth or as a special service to the king.

7) Why did early English kinds divide the country into shires?  What were some of the jobs of the sheriff? 
They divided the country into shires because the government was too weak to govern as one. The sheriff collected money, enforced the law, called out soldiers when needed, and told the king what was happening in the shire.

8) How did the King's peace help unite England?
The kings peace helped untie England by making everyone was under is rule and not their own, this made crime low so everyone felt protected.

9) What was the purpose of witenagemot?
The purpose of the witenagemot was to talk over problems with the king. They approved laws drawn up by the king and his household. The witenagemot also acted as a court.

10) How did the English government develop under the Anglo-Saxons?
The king was selected from a royal family instead of the Church picking the new king. Under the king's rule, the people felt safe and protected, keeping them all united. Because there were so  many officials and the people felt so secure that the crime rate was low. This set up the government of England because they had a king instead of a democracy. 

11) Why did Anglo-Saxons unite under Alfred the Great?
They wanted to be under Alfred the Great because he was a strong ruler and he payed the Danes to leave them alone, attacked them, signed a treaty, and in the end he conquered the Danes. 

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