Thursday, November 21, 2013

Chapter 18 section 2&3

1)   Why were the Frankish kings after Clovis weak?
The Frankish kings were weak because they spent most of there time dividing their land among their sons. The sons spent most of their time fighting over land so they were losing their power.

2)   Who was Charles Martel?  What did he do?  Why was he known as “The Hammer”?
Charles Martel was the most powerful mayor. He tried to reunite all the Frankish nobles under his rule. He was known as "The Hammer" because in war he would fight with a hammer.

3)   Why was the Battle of Tours a turning point in history?
The battle of Tours was a turning point in history because it let Christianity survive in Europe.

4)   What might western Europe have been like if the Arabs and Berbers had won the Battle of Tours?
They would have spread their religion and christianity would have died because everyone would be muslim.

5)   Who was Pepin?  How did he help the Pope?
Pepin was Charles Martel son, and he was mayor of the Palace. He helped the Pope by leading an army into Italy, and defeated the Lombards, and gave the land they held in central Italy to the Pope.

6)   Define anointed. 
Anointed- to be blessed by holy oil

World History Chapter 17 Section 3

1)   When did Pepin die?  Who were his sons?
Pepin died in 768. His sons were Carloman and Charles.

2)   Who was Charlemagne?  What did he do?  List the people he defeated in battle.  What does his name mean?
Charlemagne was a powerful leader. He wanted to bring all of western Europe under his rule. He also wanted all the Germanic people to become Christian. To achieve these he waged a series of wars. He defeated the Lombards, Saxons, and attempted to defeat the Muslims in Spain. His name means "Charles the Great."

3)   What was The Song of Roland about?
The Song of Roland was about the legend about Charlemagne's battles of the basques.

4)   Why was Charlemagne displeased that the Pope crowned him emperor?
Charlemagne was displeased because it made it seem the emperor's right to rule came from the Pope rather than directly from God.

5)   What was Charlemagne’s view of education?  What did he do to promote education in his empire?
Charlemagnes wanted people to be educated. He encouraged churches and monasteries to found schools.

6)   Who was Alcuin?  What did children study in the school set up by Alcuin?
Alcuin was a scholar. The children studied religion, Latin, music, literature, and arithmetic.

7)   What were some things that artists created under Charlemagne’s rule? 
They built palaces and churches around a large courtyard as the Romans did. Artists covered palace walls with pictures showing stories from the bible. They made book covers and ornamental weapons. They also decorated manuscripts copied by scholars.

8)   Describe estate life.
Lords and nobles were the most powerful people in Charlemagne's empire. They were descendants of Frankish Warriors and Roman landowners and their wealth came from grown or made from their estates. There were shoemakers, carpenters, and blacksmiths on each estate. There were also artisans who made weapons, cooking vessels, and jewelry. Lords lived in stone farmhouse, wooden stockades, or fences were built around the houses. Each farm house had a banquet hall, sleeping quarters, cellars, stables, storage places, and a small chapel. Farmers lived in small wooden houses in small villages on the estates. They worked in fields, vineyards, orchards, and forests around their village.

9)   How did farmers gradually become serfs?
The more farms did for the nobles the less they did for themselves.

10)  How did minstrels increase Charlemagne’s popularity?
He travled around singing and praising about how great he was.

11)  What did the Empire collapse after Charlemagne’s death?
They cared more about their own estates than about the good of the empire. They also refused to obey Louis the Pious Charlemagne's son.

12)  What might have prevented the collapse of Charlemagne’s government?
If the land hadn't split up and there was only one ruler it might have prevented the collapse.

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