Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Chapter 28 section 1-4

1)    List the three important city states of Italy.
Florence, Venice, Papal

2) What did Renaissance artists study?
They began to study both Roman and Greek art, the structure of the human body so the could draw it more accurate, and they became interested in perspective or a way of showing objects as they appear in the distance. The experimented with light, color, and shade.

3) Who was Leonardo da Vinci?  What did he paint? What inventions did he draw?
He was an artist and an inventor. He painted the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Da Vinci designed the first parachute and made drawings of flying machines and Mechanical diggers.

4)    Who ruled Florence?  What was Florence known for?
The Medici family ruled Florence. Florence was known for being a city of art and learning.

5)    How did Popes during this time act like political rulers?
Popes acted like political rulers by sending representatives to other states and countries, collected taxes, minted money, raised armies, and they fought wars.

6)    How was Venice different than most Renaissance cities?
Venice was built on 117 islands, instead of streets they had canals, and the merchants would trade at the docks.

7)    Why did the doge have little power?
The doge had very little power because they had to obey the council of ten.

8)    Who was Rabelais and what did he believe?
Rabelais was a physician monk, he believed that humans were not tied down by their past and could do whatever they want.

9)    Who developed a printing press in Germany?  How did this change European culture?
Johannes Gutenberg. The printed press changed European culture because, books were becoming more popular, people were leaning to read and think for themselves. New ideas then spread rapidly.

10)What Church reforms did German and Flemish scholars want to make?
They all taught in different languages to teach the bible, they wanted it to change though to help them out they wanted it to be easier to teach.

11)Why did Philip II mistreat Spanish scholars?
He mistreated Spanish scholars because he was so religious that he didn’t trust them so many were burned.

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