Monday, February 17, 2014

Chapter 29 section 3-5

1) Who were the Jesuits?  What did they believe and do as a group?
The Jesuits were members of a Society of Jesus. They would go around to help strengthen peoples faith, set up schools, helped the poor, preached to people, taught in universities, and served as advisors in the royal courts.

2) How did the Pope and the Catholic Church reclaim Protestant areas?
They told people to use their good deeds instead of paying for their sins, and then they would get into heaven.

3) What did the Council of Trent do?
The Council of Trent discussed reforms and defended Catholic teachings. They met at different times between 1545 and 1563. The ended many practices that had been criticized for hundreds of years, explained the Catholic  doctrine, they were ordered to follow strict rules, and they helped the pope reclaim Protestant areas. 

4) Why did Henry VIII break w/ the Catholic Church?
He broke with the Catholic church because they wouldn't let him divorce his wife so he could get the son he wanted. 

5) Why was Queen Mary called Bloody Mary?
Queen Mary was called Bloody Mary because she insisted that everyone return to the Roman Catholic Church and many protestants refused so they were then burned at stake for heresy. There for many people turned against her.

6) What did Mary Tudor expect the people to do as soon as she become queen?
She expected everyone to return to the Roman Catholic Church. 

7) What was the Church of England like under Elizabeth I?
Elizabeth the first was very poor with her subjects. She worked to set up a church that would appeal to as many as possible. She then declared that the church be Protestant, the monarch would become head of the church. This church would have both Protestant belief and Catholic practice. 

8) Why did Spain do to war with Britain?
Spain went to war with Britain because the differences in religion. 

9) What happened to the Spanish Armada?
It broke after Elizabeth sent English ships to attack them. They then realized the Armada was defeated and only half of it returned home. 

10) What led to civil war in France in 1562?  
The Catholics began to persecute the Huguenots.

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