Thursday, March 20, 2014

pg.537 #1-5

1) In the 1400s they used the scientific method
in the 1500s planets revolved around the sun
in the 1600s they discovered gravity and how objects move threw space

2) The Agricultural Revolution helped population grow because there were new developments in farming, they started using a system of land division called enclosure.

3) The macadam road made it so that horses and carts could travel faster in any kind of weather.

4) Reformers made it so that children and women couldn't work in mines and they could only work ten hours, they also made living conditions better. Houses had more windows and piped in water.

5) The engine, electricity, and the diesel engine were new sources of power that helped spread the Industrial Revolution.  

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

pg.526 # 1-2 and pg. 530 # 2&3

1) Galileo invented the telescope and he began to study the stars and planets.

2) Sir Isaac Newton's inventions were important because he explored the theory of gravitation and how objects move through space. Technology for today's rockets and space satellites are based on his work.

2) The Assembly line allowed it so people didn't have to be skilled and now more materials were able to be made.

3) Transportation needed to be improved because raw materials and finished products had to be moved quickly and cheaply.

pg. 521 #1-6 understanding main ideas

1) The puritans beliefs were that they wanted to be able to worship as they pleased. They believed in hard work, plain living, and didn't like the Crown's free-spending ways. Also, they wanted a say in how government raised and spent taxes.

2) The glorious revolution was called glorious because William and Mary were named joint rulers without a shot being fired.

3) Great  Britain tightened its control over American colonies by making them send them goods that were scarce or could not grow there. Colonist were only suppose to buy goods that were made in England so English merchants could make money.

4) They make angry and began boycotting the items.

5) Before the French Revolution the king had all the power and after the directory had it.

6) Rulers throughout Europe were afraid the French Revolution would weaken their power.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

pg.520 #2-5

2) 1- the clergy
      2- the nobility, 
3- everyone else in France

3) The clergy and nobles privileges went away. The Assembly issued the Declaration of the rights of Man and the citizen, it said people were born equal and free, the governments right to rule came from the people not from he crown, and it gave everyone freedom of speech. They started selling church lands to pay off what the government owed.  For the next few years they worked to write a constitution it established freedom and made France a constitutional monarchy.

4) It came to an end because the Directory only allowed people who owned land to vote. Therefor the people had grown more conservative, it spent most of its time handling food shortages, rising prices, government bankruptcy, and attacks by other countries.

5) When people found out about the mayor of Paris being killed and the set up of a new city government; there were rumors that nobles were planning to hire brigands, to destroy the peasants homes and crops. So, the peasants attacked and burned the houses of the Nobles and destroyed all records of feudal dues.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

pg.508 2-4

2. Civil war finally broke out between the Crown and Parliament because Charles the first didn't follow the rules of parliament.

3. One James the seconds wife who roman Catholic had a son they feared the ultimate establishment of Roman Catholic rule.

4. The declaration of independence made Parliament stronger and protected the rights of the English people. It stated that the crown could not tax people or keep an army in peacetime without Parliaments consent. Parliament had the right to debate openly, meet often, and be freely elected. People had the right to a fair and speedy trial by a jury of their peers. People could also petition the crown without fear of being punished.