Wednesday, March 19, 2014

pg. 521 #1-6 understanding main ideas

1) The puritans beliefs were that they wanted to be able to worship as they pleased. They believed in hard work, plain living, and didn't like the Crown's free-spending ways. Also, they wanted a say in how government raised and spent taxes.

2) The glorious revolution was called glorious because William and Mary were named joint rulers without a shot being fired.

3) Great  Britain tightened its control over American colonies by making them send them goods that were scarce or could not grow there. Colonist were only suppose to buy goods that were made in England so English merchants could make money.

4) They make angry and began boycotting the items.

5) Before the French Revolution the king had all the power and after the directory had it.

6) Rulers throughout Europe were afraid the French Revolution would weaken their power.

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