Thursday, March 13, 2014

pg.520 #2-5

2) 1- the clergy
      2- the nobility, 
3- everyone else in France

3) The clergy and nobles privileges went away. The Assembly issued the Declaration of the rights of Man and the citizen, it said people were born equal and free, the governments right to rule came from the people not from he crown, and it gave everyone freedom of speech. They started selling church lands to pay off what the government owed.  For the next few years they worked to write a constitution it established freedom and made France a constitutional monarchy.

4) It came to an end because the Directory only allowed people who owned land to vote. Therefor the people had grown more conservative, it spent most of its time handling food shortages, rising prices, government bankruptcy, and attacks by other countries.

5) When people found out about the mayor of Paris being killed and the set up of a new city government; there were rumors that nobles were planning to hire brigands, to destroy the peasants homes and crops. So, the peasants attacked and burned the houses of the Nobles and destroyed all records of feudal dues.

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