Tuesday, October 8, 2013


1) Where was Athens located?
On the Aegean coast 
2) Why did Athens change its government?
The one they had only gave a few people ruling power and not many people wanted that kind of government.
3) Who was Draco and Solon?  What did they do?
Draco was the first to attempt to fix the government. Solon was the second and he seceded.
4) Who created the world's first Democratic Constitution?
5) What was the Council of 500?  How were its members chosen?
It handled the daily business of Athens. Members were chosen year by lot.
6)  Describe the Battle of Marathon.
It was an ambush that the Marathons people were no ready for.
7) How did the Greeks eventually defeat the Persians?
The Greeks tricked the Persians to go into a narrow straight so the Greeks could take the ships on a few at a time.
8) Who was Pericles?
 Was the Main leader of Athens.
9) What was the Peloponnesian War and what was its outcome?  
It was the war that lead to the decline of most of the Greeks. 

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