Wednesday, October 9, 2013


1)   Why did many Greeks go to the oracles?
Greeks went to the oracles for advice.

2)   What was the oracle at Delphi?
The famous oracle at Delphi was a woman. She was under the temple of Apollo and people went there to ask her questions an advice.

3)   How, in the worship of the Gods, were the Greeks different than earlier groups of people?
Greeks were different from earlier groups because they didn't go in the temple they believed it was the home to the god, so they prayed outside.

4)   Name six Greek gods and what they controlled.
Demeter- Goddess of crops, giver of grain and fruit
Poseidon- God of the sea and earthquakes
Aphrodite- Goddess of love and beauty
Artemis- Goddess of the moon
Hephaestus- God of fire and artisans

5)   The Olympic Games where held where and to honor who?
The Olympic games were held in honor of the god Zeus.

6)   List four events, with descriptions, held during the Olympic Games.
Four olympic games were chariot racing, boxing, pancratium a combination between boxing and wrestling.

7)   When was the 1st Olympic Games held?
The first Olympic game was held was in 776 B.C.

8)   Who were the three great writers of tragedy?
The three great writers of tragedy were Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. Aeschylus wrote about power and its effect on people. Sophocles showed that people suffered because of their mistakes. Euripides tried to show that people suffered from doing bad things.

9)   What were comedies originally about?
Comedies were mostly about making fun of certain politicians or polis who were usually in the audience. After, comedies then started making fun of a certain person like a son who wastes money or an enslaved person who plots against a master.

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