Sunday, October 20, 2013


1) Who was Socrates and How did he teach people how to think?
Socrates was a 70 year-old athenian philosopher who was interested in the thinking process. He would taught people how to think by asking them questions that led them to a final conclusion. 

2) What did philosophia mean to the ancient Greeks?
A philosophia means studying the laws of nature.

3) What was the Socratic Method?
The Socratic Method was a thinking process by asking questions that lead to a step by step conclusion or truth. 

4) Why was Socrates brought to trial?
Socrates was brought to trial because he was disrespecting the gods and was trying to take over the government. 

5) List some quotes about ethical or moral living attributed to Socrates.
"Wealth does not bring goodness. But goodness brings wealth and every blessing, both to the citizen and to the polis."

6) How did Socrates die?
Socrates died by drinking the poisonous hemlock juice. 

7) Who was Plato?
Plato was one of Socrates pupils and he also was an Athenian aristocrat. 

8) What school did Plato found?
Plato founded the school of Academy.

9) Name two books that Plato wrote.
Two books that Plato wrote were The Republic and The Dialogues. 

10) Who was Aristotle?  What did he do?
Aristotle was one of Plato's pupils and he was the first to classify or group together plants and animals that resemble each other.

11) What is syllogism?  Give an example of one.  Who invented it?
Syllogism is using three related statements and the third is the conclusion of the statements. 
Example: Athenians are Greeks
               Socrates is an Athenian
               Therefore, Socrates is Greek
Aristotle invented syllogism. 

12) Who developed the first two steps of the scientific method?
Thales developed the first two steps of the first two steps of the scientific method. 

13) Who developed the Hippocratic Oath?  What is the Hippocratic Oath?
The Hippocratic Oath was developed by Hippocrates a doctor. The Hippocratic Oath was a a list of rules for doctors to use their skills to help the patients. They would promise to honor their teachers, do their best for the sick, never give poisons, and keep their secrets of their patients. 

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