Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Chapter 18 Section 1

1)   Why were people no longer interested in learning during the early middle ages?
People were no longer interested in learning because arts were damaged and thieves roamed the countryside and businesses slowed. 

2)   Why are the Franks important?
The Franks were important because they built a new civilization that is now France and Germany. Also, they were strong governors.

3)   Who was Clovis?  How did Clovis become Christian? 
Clovis was cruel and greedy, a good general, and an able king. He brought all the Franks under one rule. Clovis was the first Germanic king to accept the Catholic religion. Clovis became christian by he was not happy with the Frankish gods they never helped him win battles even though he prayed to them faithfully. So, he decided that if he defeated the enemy he would become Christian. 
4)   What happened after Clovis became Christian?
When Clovis became Christian the Franks followed his example and he gained the support of the Romans in his Kingdom. The Franks then began to speaking a Latin language that later became the modern French language. After, they all were practicing the same religion, speaking the same language, and they all felt reunited. 

5)   Why was it important that the Pope gave Clovis his support?

6)   Why were the Franks more successful at governing than other Germanic peoples?
The Franks were more successful at governing than other Germanic people because  they lived in an area were they lived was close to their homeland, and they felt more fairly secure.

7)   What modern nations developed out of the civilization built by the Franks?
The modern nations developed out of the civilization built by the Franks was France and Germany. 

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