Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Germans

1) Describe the village life of the early Germans.
The villages were surround by farmlands and pastures. Houses in the villages were long thatched roof huts with an open space around them. The family lived in one end of the hut and the other end was for the animals. The animals body heat helped warm the hut during the cold winters. Wooden tables and benches along the wall were the only furniture. They made their living herding cattle, and it provided their food and clothing. 
2) What did the Germans grow?
They grew barley, rye, wheat, beans, and peas.
3) What were the Germans view of hospitality?
Their view on hospitality was so strong that it was against the law to turn people away. Invited guest and strangers were welcomed, fed, and entertained. 
4) How were the German tribes organized?
The German tribes were organized by clans that were based on family ties. THe gave their greatest loyalty to the clan. Later they developed a strong feeling towards a military leader called a chieftain. In the beginning a chieftain was elected by a band of warriors but later it became hereditary.  
5) Who was Theodoric the Great?
Theodoric the great was a king of the East Goths. They were the Germanic people from eastern Europe.
6) Who was Woden?  Thor?
Woden was a chief god, he was the god of war, poetry, learning, and magic.Thor was the son of Woden and he was the god of thunder. Germans believed that the sound of thunder came from Thor's chariot wheels.
7) What was Valhalla?
The Germans believed that goddesses carried the spirits of dead warriors that died in battle. IN the hall of Wodan, called Valhalla the warriors would feast and fight forever. 
8) Discuss blood fueds, oath-helpers and wergeld.

Blood feud- quarrels in which the families of the original fighters seek revenge. Resolved by judges
oath-helper- people who swore that the accused was telling the truth
wergeld-fines issued by a court.

9) How did the Germans' love of battle and laws influence their society?
It managed to keep the peace despite how cruel and unfair the laws were.

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