Monday, January 20, 2014

Late Middle Ages: Chapter 26 sec.1-3

1) What led to the growth and development of Venice's trade?
The land was not very fertile so the people depended on the sea and trade. 
2) How did the location of Flanders help it become an important trading center?

There were two rivers that emptied into the North Sea. Where the two rivers meet the flemish built a harbor. They could then ship there valuable woolen cloth to other places. It then became an important stopping place for ships traveling along the Atlantic coast.
3) What were Fairs?
Special gatherings were merchants could could buy and sell goods, or settle debts.
4) Who sponsored fairs and why?
Nobles, so they could collect taxes on sales.
5) How did most towns develop in the Middle Ages?
Merchants grew tired of moving around so they looked for places were they could settle permanently and store their goods. They chose places along trade routes and near water ways because it helped protected them from robbers. They surrounded their settlements with high stake fences and moats. Most of the developed from merchant settlements.
6) What was the Black Death?  How many people died from it?
The Black Death was a disease that came from rats in the 1300 hundreds. It killed millions through out Europe.
7) What changes did burghers want to make in feudal laws?
They created schools, churches, and hospitals. They had charters who let people elect their own officials, the council collected taxes, set charges to merchants, and formed  armies. They also ran hospitals, orphanages, and homes for the poor.

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