Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Late middle ages: Section 3 &4

1) What was a code of chivalry?  Who did it apply to?  List the rules of chivalry.
The code of chivalry was the code of rules that knights had to follow to earn their knighthood. 
1) Obey his lord
2) Show bravery
3) Respect women of noble birth 
4) Honor the Church
5) Help people 

2) How did Knights train for war?
A knight began training for war at the age of seven. Knights trained for war by going to the castle of another lord at the age of 7. Until age 15, they were pages and helped the knights and their war horses. They also polished the armor, which could weigh up to 80 pounds. By age 14 they could a lance and fight while on horseback. At age 15 they became a squire and was assigned to a knight who would watch them. They followed the knight into battle and were expected to help them if they were wounded or fell off their horse. If they fought well, they were dubbed a knight by the lord at a special ceremony.

3) Explain the organization of feudal Manors. 
Feudal Manors were owned by nobles. The men and women of each manor produced food, clothing, and shelter for themselves and the noble. They raised sheep for wool, cows for meat and milk, grew grain and vegetables, built homes, and fashioned tools.

4) What was the difference between Freeman and Serfs?
         A freeman had to pay their had to pay their noble for the right to farm land. They worked only on their own strips of land and had rights under the law. Freemen could move wherever and whenever they wanted. The noble, however, could throw them off the manor without warning.  
         A serf, were the noble's property. They could not move to another area, own their own property, or marry without the nobles permission. Serfs though could not be driven off the land and did not have to serve in the army. 

5) What was a serf's life like?  Discuss the "bright" moments.
The bright moments in a serf's life was sunday when they got a day of rest from work. At christmas when the lord paid for a great feast and entertainment and when serfs could they would play in sports like wrestling, soccer, and archery. 

6) Why did people on a manor produce everything they needed?
On a manor they produced everything they needed because of poor transportation and frequent fighting isolated manors from one another.

7) How could serfs obtain their freedom?
Serfs obtained their freedom by escaping to the towns, if the serf was not caught and remained in the town for more than a year they were considered free. In the end of the Middle Ages a serf could buy their freedom. 

8) What changes had taken place in farming by the 1200s?
The peasants began to lear better farming methods. They used a three-field system of farming, started to use heavy iron plows, and the horse collar was invented allowing horses instead of slow-moving oxen to plow fields. This helped the peasants to grow more food. 

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