Monday, January 6, 2014

Pg. 369 #2-4

2) Charles Martel, a Frankish leader, began giving his soldiers fiefs, or estates, as a reward for their service and loyalty.

3) The nobles became more powerful because the kings who followed Charlemagne were so weak that slowly the nobles became more powerful. They then became independent rulers, they gained the right to collect taxes and to enforce laws in their areas.

4) A vassal was a noble who served a lord of higher rank and gave him loyalty. They would help their lord in battle and they had to bring their own knights with them. They were expected to take part in the military service 40 to 60 years. They had to make payments to their lords. If their lord was captured in battle they either became prisoners or paid his ransom. They also had to attend the lord's court, they were expected to provide food and entertainment when the lord visited them. If a vassal failed in his duties to his lord, the lord had the right to take away the vassals fief.

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