Monday, May 5, 2014

Chapter 39 # 2-4

2. Gorvachev believed that the only way to solve problems was to talk freely about them. After he introduced his new policy of glasnost, he indicated that the Soviet union would no longer use troops and tanks to support Communist government.

3. The hard liners took control of the government because the Soviet Empire was breaking up and they didn't want that to happen.

4. No, I think that communism will always be with Russia because were the ones who started the wars, so they will always fight for communism.

Russia slowly changed after trouble with the Soviet Union. For the first time Russia's head of the state had been chosen by the people. Soon the breakup of the Soviet Union happened. The military and secret police arranged a coup or forced to take over the government. They place Gorbachev under house arrest and vowed to rebuild the Communist state. There was a growth in independence and the spirit of nationalism. For many years the Communist governments had control of prices, wages, and the production of foods. The people were also willing to endure the economic hardships.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

understanding main ideas #1-6

1. To rebuild the Western Europe after World War II they started a loan program. It was named the Marshall Plan and under it factories were rebuilt, coal mines were reopened, and road repairs.

2. The Soviet Union closed off Berlin because they it would hoped it would force the Western powers to leave the city.

3. Castro launched an unsuccessful revolution in cuba against dictator Flugencio Batista. Then in 1959 Castro tried and finally succeeded. He promised his people free elections and social and economic reforms in Cuba but didn't follow through.

4. He ordered the Cultural Revolution because he feared that the Chinese had lost their revolutionary spirit. So he carried out purges or removals of undesirable members of the communist party. He also purged the country's intellectuals.

5. One million Chinese people, mostly students stood out in the square for seven weeks and demanded democracy.

6. African Americans now are facing farming problems, food shortages, and children aren't receiving education.

Monday, April 21, 2014

2. The formed the European nations because they wanted to remove trade barriers and sell goods to other nations without having to pay a tariff.

3. They hoped that it would force the western powers to leave the city.

4. Castro promised free elections and social and economic reforms in Cuba. He lost their support because he did not follow threw on his promises.

5. I would be have been with the war because it helped save lives.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Chapter 37 Understanding Main Ideas 1-6

1. Nationalism contributed to World War 1 because there was tension grew between several countries. France was jealous of Germany because it was industrializing rapidly. Great Britain did not like Germany expanding its army, and Russia involved itself with the problems of the Slavic peoples. A war then broke out between the countries.

2. European Allied leaders wanted a peace plan that would allow all nations to keep the peace.

3. In 1929 the Great Depression happened. Factories closed and millions of people lost their jobs.

4. The British and France were afraid of another was so they decided to follow a policy of appeasement.

5. Some Major events that led to the defeat of Germany in World War 2 was the attack of Pearl Harbor, the Japanese made conquests with Asia and took over much of China and Southeast Asia. Germanys forces overran most of Western Europe except for Great Britain. Hitler then tried to bomb the British into surrendering.

6. United Nations formed because it was to prevent war, lend money to poor countries, and provide them with medical care and better education.

Friday, April 4, 2014

understanding main ideas 1-8

1. The main reasons for the rise of imperialism was the Industrial Revolution, factory owners had become rich, there was a growing demand for tea, sugar, and coco. Also, nationalism and the belief that western countries had the duty to civilize.

2. Europeans got Colonial territory by signing a treaty and giving them cloth and guns.

3. Settlers moved to Transvaal because there was gold and diamonds were discovered.

4. The British took over India because the had lost the seven years war.

5. The open door policy was so everyone would have equal training rights in China.

6. Perry went over to negotiate a treaty to open up trade and to protect shipwrecked American sailors.

7. The United States was interested in Latin America because newly independent countries were weak so there was interference with other countries.

8. Nationalism increased in the colonies because more power was being added to the country. Newly formed countries of Italy and Germany wanted to catch up to Great Britain, France, and other established colonial powers.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Effects of Imperialism paragraph

      There were many effects of imperialism, one was that new governments were set up. Local wars stopped, and industry, agriculture, and transportation were developed. Schools and hospitals were built and sanitation was improved. Imperialism also brought bitter feeling between colonists. They were often not allowed in city areas where Europeans and North Americans lived. Colonists blamed colonial powers for the loss of their land. They disliked colonial powers for trying to change their language, customs, and religions. The scramble for colonies led to the great deal competition among colonial powers. This led to disputes that caused future wars.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

1-6 understanding main ideas

1. They were hoping to crush revolutionary ideas.

2. They created jobs for thousands of people.

3. He promised that if Austrians ever attacked Sardinia he would help them.

4. Bismark hoped that by declaring war they would become closer together.

5. Some results were Napoleon III's empire died and The Third Republic started.

6. Groups in Austria were unhappy in the 1860s because they didn't like the idea of separate countries.

Chapter 35 sec. 1-2 pg. 565 #2-3 and pg. 572 #2-3

2. The Grand Empire was suppose to take the place of the Holy Roman Empire.

3. Napoleons invasion on Russia  because they burned all their shelter and food sources that the French could have used and winter came.

2. The two goals of the Congress of Vienna were to build a peaceful and stable Europe and to have a balance of power or equal strength between the countries.

3. Some results of the revolutions were that they set up national workshops, they set up a temporary government until a new National Assembly could be elected, and other countries set up revolutions.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


         One reason for the rise of imperialism was the Industrial Revolution. There was a growing demand for raw materials and food products. Also, industries needed new markets for their products, factories were then turning out more goods than people at home could afford. Another reason was that the factory owners were becoming rich. Nationalism was another reason, people thought colonies would add to their countries power. Last was the belief that western countries had the duty to civilize. They believed they had a mission to spread Christianity.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

pg.537 #1-5

1) In the 1400s they used the scientific method
in the 1500s planets revolved around the sun
in the 1600s they discovered gravity and how objects move threw space

2) The Agricultural Revolution helped population grow because there were new developments in farming, they started using a system of land division called enclosure.

3) The macadam road made it so that horses and carts could travel faster in any kind of weather.

4) Reformers made it so that children and women couldn't work in mines and they could only work ten hours, they also made living conditions better. Houses had more windows and piped in water.

5) The engine, electricity, and the diesel engine were new sources of power that helped spread the Industrial Revolution.  

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

pg.526 # 1-2 and pg. 530 # 2&3

1) Galileo invented the telescope and he began to study the stars and planets.

2) Sir Isaac Newton's inventions were important because he explored the theory of gravitation and how objects move through space. Technology for today's rockets and space satellites are based on his work.

2) The Assembly line allowed it so people didn't have to be skilled and now more materials were able to be made.

3) Transportation needed to be improved because raw materials and finished products had to be moved quickly and cheaply.

pg. 521 #1-6 understanding main ideas

1) The puritans beliefs were that they wanted to be able to worship as they pleased. They believed in hard work, plain living, and didn't like the Crown's free-spending ways. Also, they wanted a say in how government raised and spent taxes.

2) The glorious revolution was called glorious because William and Mary were named joint rulers without a shot being fired.

3) Great  Britain tightened its control over American colonies by making them send them goods that were scarce or could not grow there. Colonist were only suppose to buy goods that were made in England so English merchants could make money.

4) They make angry and began boycotting the items.

5) Before the French Revolution the king had all the power and after the directory had it.

6) Rulers throughout Europe were afraid the French Revolution would weaken their power.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

pg.520 #2-5

2) 1- the clergy
      2- the nobility, 
3- everyone else in France

3) The clergy and nobles privileges went away. The Assembly issued the Declaration of the rights of Man and the citizen, it said people were born equal and free, the governments right to rule came from the people not from he crown, and it gave everyone freedom of speech. They started selling church lands to pay off what the government owed.  For the next few years they worked to write a constitution it established freedom and made France a constitutional monarchy.

4) It came to an end because the Directory only allowed people who owned land to vote. Therefor the people had grown more conservative, it spent most of its time handling food shortages, rising prices, government bankruptcy, and attacks by other countries.

5) When people found out about the mayor of Paris being killed and the set up of a new city government; there were rumors that nobles were planning to hire brigands, to destroy the peasants homes and crops. So, the peasants attacked and burned the houses of the Nobles and destroyed all records of feudal dues.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

pg.508 2-4

2. Civil war finally broke out between the Crown and Parliament because Charles the first didn't follow the rules of parliament.

3. One James the seconds wife who roman Catholic had a son they feared the ultimate establishment of Roman Catholic rule.

4. The declaration of independence made Parliament stronger and protected the rights of the English people. It stated that the crown could not tax people or keep an army in peacetime without Parliaments consent. Parliament had the right to debate openly, meet often, and be freely elected. People had the right to a fair and speedy trial by a jury of their peers. People could also petition the crown without fear of being punished.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

1-5 understanding main ideas pg. 479

1) Some problems that European voyagers faced was rooting food, smelly water, storms, and they got scurvy.

2) The first european settlement in the Americas was a fort built by Columbus made out of the Santa Maria.

3) Strait of Magellan, Frobisher bay, and the Hudson River

4) Three years

5)  Giovanni da Verrazano sailed the coast of North Carolina all the way to New York, Hudson founded the hudson river and sailed to Albany, Sir Martin Frobisher founded the bay called Frobisher, and john cabot explored Newfoundland and Nova Scotia .

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

1) The Protestantism got its name because it went against the beliefs of the Roman Catholic church. Some churches that belonged to this faith were Thutheran churches.

2) He thought that there was nothing in the past, present, or future god didn't know. God decided where you go before you were even born.

3) It came from the society of Jesus in 1540.

4) Mary Tudor becomes "Bloody Mary" because she wants everyone to become Roman Catholics, and the people went against her so she burned them at the stake for heresy. Now nobody liked her.

5) The defeat of the Spanish Armada helped the protestant by gaining respect through out Europe, showed it could defend itself, and it was able to stay Protestant.

6) The basis of alliances were based on religion

Monday, February 17, 2014

Chapter 29 section 3-5

1) Who were the Jesuits?  What did they believe and do as a group?
The Jesuits were members of a Society of Jesus. They would go around to help strengthen peoples faith, set up schools, helped the poor, preached to people, taught in universities, and served as advisors in the royal courts.

2) How did the Pope and the Catholic Church reclaim Protestant areas?
They told people to use their good deeds instead of paying for their sins, and then they would get into heaven.

3) What did the Council of Trent do?
The Council of Trent discussed reforms and defended Catholic teachings. They met at different times between 1545 and 1563. The ended many practices that had been criticized for hundreds of years, explained the Catholic  doctrine, they were ordered to follow strict rules, and they helped the pope reclaim Protestant areas. 

4) Why did Henry VIII break w/ the Catholic Church?
He broke with the Catholic church because they wouldn't let him divorce his wife so he could get the son he wanted. 

5) Why was Queen Mary called Bloody Mary?
Queen Mary was called Bloody Mary because she insisted that everyone return to the Roman Catholic Church and many protestants refused so they were then burned at stake for heresy. There for many people turned against her.

6) What did Mary Tudor expect the people to do as soon as she become queen?
She expected everyone to return to the Roman Catholic Church. 

7) What was the Church of England like under Elizabeth I?
Elizabeth the first was very poor with her subjects. She worked to set up a church that would appeal to as many as possible. She then declared that the church be Protestant, the monarch would become head of the church. This church would have both Protestant belief and Catholic practice. 

8) Why did Spain do to war with Britain?
Spain went to war with Britain because the differences in religion. 

9) What happened to the Spanish Armada?
It broke after Elizabeth sent English ships to attack them. They then realized the Armada was defeated and only half of it returned home. 

10) What led to civil war in France in 1562?  
The Catholics began to persecute the Huguenots.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Chapter 29 section 1-2

1) Why did Luther come into conflict with the church?
Luther conflicted with the church because he questioned people about their beliefs and telling them they should do things differently so people started accusing him of heresy.

2) What happened to Luther at Worms?
Luther was condemned for heresy

3) What was the Peace of Augsburg?
The peace of Augsburg was a treaty that there could be both Catholic and Lutheran churches in Germany.

4) Why were Lutheran and Reformed Churches called Protestant?
They were called the protestant because they protested against catholic ideas.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Chapter 28 Understanding Main Ideas

1) Scholars studied writings of ancient Greeks and Romans. 

2) Renaissance scholars were called humanists because the believed in the importance of people.

3) The rulers of the italian city states encouraged learning and the development of art by  setting up palace schools, and encouraging scholars, poets, and philosophers.

4) They turned to him because they thought he would help them escape from their problems.

5) France became part of the renaissance because they invaded italy.

6) They all brought famous righters, they all increased trade, it brought a new type of learning and education. The printing press was invented,  playwrights became popular, and  singing a dancing soon became part of daily life. 

7) He became a symbol of power and religious devotion.

8) The wars of roses got there names because the Yorkist symbol was a white rose and the Lancastrian symbol was red rose.

Chapter 28 section 1-4

1)    List the three important city states of Italy.
Florence, Venice, Papal

2) What did Renaissance artists study?
They began to study both Roman and Greek art, the structure of the human body so the could draw it more accurate, and they became interested in perspective or a way of showing objects as they appear in the distance. The experimented with light, color, and shade.

3) Who was Leonardo da Vinci?  What did he paint? What inventions did he draw?
He was an artist and an inventor. He painted the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Da Vinci designed the first parachute and made drawings of flying machines and Mechanical diggers.

4)    Who ruled Florence?  What was Florence known for?
The Medici family ruled Florence. Florence was known for being a city of art and learning.

5)    How did Popes during this time act like political rulers?
Popes acted like political rulers by sending representatives to other states and countries, collected taxes, minted money, raised armies, and they fought wars.

6)    How was Venice different than most Renaissance cities?
Venice was built on 117 islands, instead of streets they had canals, and the merchants would trade at the docks.

7)    Why did the doge have little power?
The doge had very little power because they had to obey the council of ten.

8)    Who was Rabelais and what did he believe?
Rabelais was a physician monk, he believed that humans were not tied down by their past and could do whatever they want.

9)    Who developed a printing press in Germany?  How did this change European culture?
Johannes Gutenberg. The printed press changed European culture because, books were becoming more popular, people were leaning to read and think for themselves. New ideas then spread rapidly.

10)What Church reforms did German and Flemish scholars want to make?
They all taught in different languages to teach the bible, they wanted it to change though to help them out they wanted it to be easier to teach.

11)Why did Philip II mistreat Spanish scholars?
He mistreated Spanish scholars because he was so religious that he didn’t trust them so many were burned.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Chapter 28 section 5

1)    What was the War of the Roses?  Who won?
It was a war between two noble families, York and Lancaster and they were fighting for the throne. The Lancaster’s won.

2)    How did Henry VIII change history? 
 He changed the course of history by convincing Parliament to declare him the head of the Church of England.

3)    How was did he encourage the Renaissance in England?
He encouraged art, literature, hunting, and parties. He played many instruments and composed his own music. Nobles and Merchants also began to look to Renaissance Italy for guidance in politics, diplomacy, and behavior.

4)    Who was Queen Elizabeth?
         Queen Elizabeth was the Henry the eighth daughter. She became queen when she was 25. She was well educated and won the loyalty and confidence of her people.

5) What were English theaters like?
The stages stood in open air, most audience members sat under a roof or some sort of covering, people who could not afford a to pay for a seat stood in the pit, or an open area in front of the theater and on the sides of the stage. There were no lights so plays were preformed in

6)    Form what did Shakespeare draw ideas for his plays?
Shakespeare drew ideas for his plays from English and Roman histories.

7)    In a paragraph summarize the effects of the Renaissance on England.
The Renaissance helped the increase of trade and made the England more peaceful and rich. People of the Renaissance enjoyed plays. Shakespeare brought in English playwrights and wrote many of his famous playwrights. Poetry and music soon became part of daily life also, people of all classes enjoyed singing, ballads and folk songs. Many played instruments like violin, guitars, and lutes. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Chapter 27

England and France became strong nations by raising taxes. The kings power became stronger under Philip the second, he made Paris the center of government, Philip also increased the size of his kingdom by marriage and by winning back the French lands held by the English. Then when Philips grandson came along he made it illegal to use coins that made anywhere else but the royal mint.

1)   It marked the begging national government in France.
2)   Magna Carta took away some of the kings power and gave it to the nobles.
3)   The position of common people in England and France improved as a result in the 100 year war because there was a higher demand for work and less workers.
4)   Otto set up a Christian Roman Empire by removing nobles and made his loyal followers bishops and abbots and gave them government posts.
5)   The moors brought learning and luxury to Spain.
6)   The purpose of Spanish Inquisition was to stop new Christians secretly practicing their old religion